Cardinal Christoph Schönborn
Archbishop of Vienna — Austria
“What I like in all that I have seen and heard about Alpha is the simplicity. For me, the Christian life has something to do with simplicity, friendship, closeness and joy. That’s what I feel about Alpha and I think that’s a sign that it works and that it’s given from the Lord.”

Cardinal Mark Ouellet
Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops and President of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America — Vatican
“The Alpha experience is not only a means through which one finds true life, but also a way to share the good news of the Living Christ.”

Cardinal Raymundo Damasceno
President of the Brazilian Bishops’ Conference and Archbishop of Aparecida — Brazil
“I recommend Alpha; an excellent method for the first proclamation of the gospel.”

Archbishop Alfred Martins
Archbishop of Lagos — Nigeria
“Alpha aims to help people to either discover or rediscover the meaning and joy of the Christian message. It gives one an opportunity to leverage on the experiences of others in a friendly warm and simple atmosphere. Alpha is an invaluable tool for evangelisation.”

Cardinal Gérald Lacroix
Archbishop of Quebec — Canada
“I have had the privilege of participating in various Alphas in Quebec and have witnessed how lives are changed and how the participants are touched by the teachings, witnessing and fellowship experienced during the course. The method is simple yet very effective. Small groups are definitely a key to the success of this tool of New Evangelisation.”

Archbishop Mark Coleridge
Archbishop of Brisbane — Australia
“For many years now and in various parts of the world, Alpha has shown itself powerful in bringing faith alive in all kinds of people. Its focus is on Jesus, its method is simple and its appeal is wide-ranging. It is also well adapted for use in Catholic communities looking to provide the kind of ignition we need if we are to become a more missionary Church.”

Archbishop Allen Vigneron
Archbishop of Detroit — USA
“Many parishes in the Archdiocese of Detroit have found Alpha a great tool for helping men and women hear the initial proclamation of the gospel. I am pleased that our use of Alpha with the archdiocesan staff has invited a recommitment to the basic truths of the gospel.”

Cardinal Kurt Koch
President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity — Vatican
“Through Alpha, and the testimonies of those who participated in their sessions and groups, faith is renewed, rekindle, takes root.”

Archbishop Octavio Ruiz
Secretary for the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelisation — Vatican
“Alpha, which I have had the opportunity to attend … is a providential tool because it precisely tries to reach out to those who are far from the Church, who are indifferent to the faith. By means of a very simple and humane tool based on fraternity and friendship, Christ is introduced to them and enters little by little into their hearts…”

Archbishop Rino Fisichella
President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelisation — Vatican
“Alpha is without doubt a great experience of new evangelisation.”

Cardinal Miloslav Vlk
Archbishop Emeritus of Prague — Czech Republic
“Alpha is clearly a gift of God. Because people want to experience and touch God, the God that is near and Alpha provides the frame for this.”