Make an impact on the nation
This is an opportunity of a lifetime
Your church can make a difference.
By 2030, our vision is that every adult in the UK will have received an invitation to explore a relationship with Jesus through Alpha. By giving, your church accelerates our vision, seeing a new move of God across our nation.
Whether it’s a one-off gift or an annual donation, we are grateful for your partnership in extending God’s Kingdom in the UK.
If you would like to discuss giving with us, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Edward Woods by emailing or to speak to one of our team please phone +44 (0)2070 520200.

“At the beginning, I never could have imagined becoming a Christian. But each week, I learnt new things and my faith grew stronger to the point where I started doing things outside of Alpha, like reading the Bible and going to church online. If you would have told me I would become a Christian at the beginning of the course, I never would have believed you! But I did, and am so thankful for the invite!”
– Rachel, Alpha Guest, UK
Giving By Bank Transfer
To give via bank transfer or to set up a standing order, use the details below and contact us to let us know.
Please include your first name initial, followed by your surname as the reference.
Payable to: Alpha International
Account number: 84503092
Sort code: 60-04-04

Alpha International is governed by UK charity law and is registered with the Fundraising Regulator.
We are committed to abide by the code of fundraising practise and to the fundraising promise.