What’s The Best Advice You Have Ever Been Given?

Advice. We’ve all been given some – whether welcomed or completely unsolicited! Of course, the best advice we receive often remains embedded in our memories like a wise word during times of confusion, or a gentle nudge in the right direction. The Bible tells us to “listen to counsel, receive instruction and accept correction” in order to be wise (Proverbs 19:20.) We spoke to six leaders in their fields and asked them to share the best advice they have ever been given.

Kevin Walker, Superintendent of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, Metropolitan District said,

“Simply this, be who God has designed you to be. There’s no one that can be the best you, except you. It’s been very freeing in my life because I can only be who God has designed me to be.”

In a world where social comparison often prompts us into cycles of unhealthy competition, this piece of advice is sure to keep us focussed on who we are in Christ. But what does that look like in the context of Church life and leadership? Sandy Millar, Bishop and Former Vicar of Holy Trinity Brompton said;

“Most clergy overestimate what can be achieved in one year and underestimate what can be achieved in five. If you have the microphone twice a Sunday for five years, you can make a huge amount of difference – give yourself time.”

We’ve all wanted something bigger and faster than we probably should, underestimating the value of pacing ourselves along the journey. Instant gratification undoubtedly has the ability to stroke one’s ego, but there are potential dangers therein – as Father James Mallon, Author and Founder of Divine Renovation shared:

“I think of advice given by a good friend of mine who said, James, don’t believe your fans. Be careful what you listen to. Someone once said, if you let praise go to your head, you’ll let criticism go to your heart. Don’t believe your fans. Meaning, we need to surround ourselves with people who are going to speak truth to us, who are not enamoured by us, people who know who we really are as opposed to who people think we are.”

Author and speaker, Margaret Feinberg echoes Father James’ sentiments about keeping good company. She said;

“If you work with good people it just breathes life and hope and joy and consistency. So, when you find those good people, keep them really close!”

And for those of us who have entered into the ultimate friendship in marriage, Nicky & Sila Lee Founders of The Marriage Course and Associate Vicars at Holy Trinity Brompton talked to us about dating!

“A year after we got married, we went away on a weekend with an older, wise married couple and they said; in order to keep the love, the fun, the friendship and the romance alive in your marriage over a lifetime, never stop dating each other. Have a date night once a week. It has probably been the single most significant thing, the best investment we have made in our marriage.”

Inspiring thoughts there from friends of Alpha. Why not click on the links below and share this post with your friends!

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